
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Teamwork at Lake Yambuk

This Great egret and Royal spoonbill seemed to be acting as a team feeding together at Lake Yambuk last weekend. I'm not sure what was in it for the egret but it seems very likely that the spoonbill was appreciating the stirred up mud the egret was generating.

Great egret (Arda alba) leading the way

Royal spoonbill almost at his feet at times

They waded together for at least 10 minutes covering about
30 metres of shore together

Royal spoonbill
(Platalea regia)
An enjoyable evening's birding included views of Musk duck amongst others on the lake. I thought at the time that this female was really "steaming" along - a really strong swimmer. I was not surprised to later find that this duck goes by the alternate name "Steamer" in some circles.

Female Musk duck (Biziura lobata)
Pizzey opens up with "A very strange duck"

Musk duck steaming along.
In the background we find the Royal spoonbill has
found a different companion.

At the point where the lake reaches the sea (generally blocked by a sand bar) there is an intertidal rock platform and often many tern, heron, cormorants and small waders.

On this occasion I was struck by the number of the threatened Hooded plover. There were at least 15 counted amongst a larger group of Red-necked stint in an area no greater than 20X20m.

7 Hooded plover (including 1 immature Thinornis rubicollis)
in this one shot among Red-necked stint
Red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis)

Comparative size to the Hoodies and the tail markings
helped confirm that this was a flock of
Red-necked stint (I was hoping for Sanderling!)
Yambuk Lake
Downstream & around the bend (to the left) finds the surf
Upstream  we find the Deen Maar wetlands &
Codrington Wind Farm


  1. Nice one with the Musk Duck Pete. Strange bird, but lovely to photograph because of it. Nice story about the spoonbill and the egret too. And imagine knowing which way to go from a photo to find Deen Maar wetlands. Expecting another post soon then.

  2. I haven't kept you expecting long!
