
Friday, March 16, 2012

Emu-wren, Cisticola and Fieldwrens

We are at Deen Maar Indigenous Protected Area where I enjoyed another memorable morning last Saturday. Within minutes I had seen one of my "target" species - Southern emu-wren. Spent some time in the marshes with many Golden-headed cisticola and Striated fieldwren.

Although it never actually happened I had a feeling the whole morning that I was about to see something unique (I was thinking bittern etc). A great way to spend a morning!

Southern emu-wren (Stipiturus malachurus)
Striated fieldwren (Calamanthus fuliginosus) 
Golden-headed cisticola (Cisticola exilis)
I was enjoying a nice view of this cisticola when a
fieldwren came and joined in (below)
(You know you must be small when
you can make a fieldwren look big!)
Black-shouldered kite (Elanus axillaris)

Swamp harrier (Circus approximans)
Mob of emu in the distance (about 15 of them)
Black swan 
Great egret
Here is 30 seconds of low-res compact still-camera video showing Deen Maar. Beyond the rise is the surf beach of Bass Strait. During the video some black swan take off (barely visible). In the last 4-5 seconds the "white noise" you can hear is the constant noise of the turbines (if you have good ears & listen carefully!).

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Pete, Emu-wren! Well done, recollect not easy to get a photo. And the Fieldwren too, and in the same frame as a Cisticola! Hope you were excited because I am for you. Cheers.
