Silverleaves was pretty wet at times this last winter.
As the old saying goes: It was good weather for ....
Australian wood-duck took to the water where there was usually just grass |
A few Chestnut teal had also moved in |
Waterlogged. "The Common" at Silverleaves |
Birding was still OK albeit with damp feet! This Eastern spinebill was hanging around our house playing hide & seek.
Hiding in the correa. Eastern spinebill, Phillip Island |
Playing peek-a-boo with a grevillea. Eastern spinebill, Phillip Island |
There's nowhere to hide on fence wire! Eastern spinebill |
Another individual I'm getting to know is one of the local kookaburras. "He" also like sitting on wires.
Laughing kookaburra. This is his good side. |
Here it is giving all in song. At first I thought his eye was just closed but his right eye is not normal |
I see him 'round from time to time |
The Common - uncommonly wet (Winter 2014)! |
Bird on!
One of my favourite memories of my visit to Australia was having an early morning coffee on the veranda at my B&B and being entertained by an Eastern Spinebill moving around in a bush on the other side of the rail, at times so close I could almost have touched it.