
Friday, August 29, 2014

Birds of Sugarloaf Reservoir

Wedge-tailed eagle, Sugarloaf Reservoir Park (31 July 2013)
I think I have found a place close enough to home (which is in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne) that provides birding a little different from my immediate haunts. The bush around Sugarloaf Reservoir has sections of dry open forest and grassland. This provides for different birding from the tall forests and dense fern gullies of the Dandenongs for instance.

Here is a Park Guide. I have just visited for a second time. On both occasions the visit was in winter and I enjoyed walking the first 1km or so of the Chris Phillips Walk (leaving from the Saddle Dam Picnic area).

Pied currawong
White-winged chough have a great habit of nonchalantly wandering away from the observer - slow enough to get you interested but rarely presenting a favourable perspective! 
Missed the opportunity! Out-of-focus White-winged chough
Crimson rosella
White-eared honeyeater

Brown-headed honeyeater
Golden whistler
Superb fairy-wren 
Female Scarlet robin - the "insurance shot"
Managed to get a little closer to the male - Scarlet robin
"Bye!" Scarlet robin
Australian pelican

Great habitat for bush birds!
Eastern grey kangaroo

Bird on!


  1. What a collection of beautiful birds! Your kangaroos at the end put a smile on my face,have a happy weekend,Phyllis

  2. Looks like a great little spot! I too have been seeking out 'dry country' spots for birds around Brisbane.

    I've never spent time with Choughs but they intrigue me for some reason. I wouldn't have noticed that your shot was out of focus either unless you pointed it out :)

  3. Another great spot, Pete! I just might have to take a little break from landscapes to do some bird photography while in Melb in Dec/Jan.
