
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Birding Binalong Bay, Tasmania

Back in April our family enjoyed an hour or so exploring the rocky shores and beaches of Binalong Bay, Tasmania.  We all had our cameras out trying to capture the late afternoon Autumn sun playing on the rocks. This township is at the southern end of the Bay of Fires, the whole area noted for the bright orange lichen covering the granite boulders (amongst other things)!

My lens was focussed on our feathered friends as usual ....

Little pied cormorant with some Bay of Fires colour

Australian pelican are just awesome! 

Such a wing-span!
Crested tern landing 
Crested tern on some of the yellower lichen-encrusted granite 

Silvereye wins the berry through sheer perseverance
Superb-fairy wren also contemplates a meal (or a drink)
Black-headed honeyeater recently identified to me by a guide who pointed out a useful ID feature in the black "epaulettes" 
Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday

Bird on!


  1. Love that young pied cormorant! Great photos of all the birds there. It looks like a great place to go. Yes, those pelicans are awe-inspiring to see. Interesting about the lichen-covered rocks! Really nice post!

  2. I love our Pelicans you're shots are great especially of the pelicans sittting on the rocks.

  3. Great photos - I especially like the Crested Tern in-flight against the breaking wave. The colors there are beautiful - especially that orange lichen.

  4. nice shots, great hint.

  5. Gorgeous images, Pete!
    I hope one day to be able to afford to head down to Tasmania and experience the incredible beauty of our island state. I am always in awe of the beautiful images shared by the likes of Paul Fleming (@lovethywalrus) and Matt & Mia Glastonbury on Instagram.

  6. These are awesome and I love the Crested Tern landing, what a beauty!

  7. Beautiful photos! I love the flight shots of the pelicans.
