
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bird Week Day 5 - A Peregrine & Pardalote Day, Phillip Island birds

"Peregrine" and "Pardalote"- two gorgeous sounding words that also just happen to be associated with the most wonderful of creatures!

Falco peregrinus arises from the Latin per and agri - literally "from abroad" or subsequently "wandering". I gather the northern hemisphere peregrines are inclined to migrate. I had jumped out of the car recently at Oswin Roberts Sanctuary (Phillip Island) and had one of those great car park moments when you know the birds are "on"! Looking up I saw the silhouette of a falcon purposefully gliding across the small arc of sky I had vision of. 'Grabbed the camera and managed one shot:

Peregrine falcon flying over Oswin Roberts Sanctuary
My impression is that the name "Pardalote" is a name known only to birders or those that have had a close experience with these beautifully marked birds. I  gather that Pardalotus refers to being "spotted" and arises from Greek origins. Although I could hear many Spotted pardalote on this day at Oswin Roberts (I am inclined to think of it as Ozzie Bob's) it was the Striated pardalote that was providing most photo opportunities:

Striated pardalote checking out tree-hollow nesting options, September 2013
The next three photos were taken within a minute or two of each other when passing through a small-bird hot spot!
Brown thornbill, Oswin Roberts Sanctuary
White-browed scrub wren, Oswin Roberts Sanctuary
Superb fairy-wren, Oswin Roberts Sanctuary
Oswin Roberts Sanctuary is also good for honeyeaters (in addition to those shown Wattlebirds, White-eared honeyeaters are also common) ...

Still struggling for a decent photo of White-naped honeyeater I'm afraid
New Holland honeyeater
Yellow-faced honeyeater
I generally don't leave Ozzie Bobs without seeing an Eastern Yellow Robin at some stage
Dusky woodswallow numbers are seasonal - they are starting to increase again now that Spring is here
Fan-tailed cuckoo 
Grey currawong
iPhone shot of the park's eastern boundary and adjacent farmland where Swamp harriers and Whistling kite are often seen.
Whistling kite
Even by Ozzie Bob standards this was a pretty productive morning!

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday

Bird on!


  1. A great series of birds and photos - the Pardalotes are definitely my favorites.

  2. You have some wonderful wildlife... and beautiful countryside.

  3. Great collection, impressed that you could get those pics of the little flitty birds like the thornbill!

  4. HI Pete That was a great post with lots of wonderful birds seen and photographed.

  5. Wow, what a great variety! I just love the fairy wren

  6. Wow, great variety. The Striated Pardalote and Eastern Yellow Robin certainly took my eye, but the post shows of the other species very well also

    Thanks for sharing

  7. Lovely birds! The fairy wren is gorgeous.

  8. Bings back great memories of my visit to Australia.
