
Monday, May 27, 2013

"What's up?" at Ben Bennett Reserve, Caloundra

This Mistletoebird was checking out potential prey not predators

On Saturday 18th May I made my third visit to the Ben Bennett bushland reserve in Caloundra. Each of these visits has been in May. Once again I had a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours and could easily have spent longer. Today's visit was dominated by the smaller birds of the subtropics.

Striated pardalote
Grey fantail
Gray fantail
Varied triller
Spangled drongo
Of the Family Pachycephlaidae the Golden whistler presented a better photo opportunity than Grey shrike-thrush and Rufous whistler (below)

Eastern yellow robin kept popping up demonstrating all those classic robin poses!

Red-browed finch
There were some of the palest Brown thornbill I have seen
The place was alive with honeyeaters. Most that caught my eye turned into Noisy miner, Little wattlebird, Brown honeyeater or Lewins honeyeater but there was the odd special surprise ...

Brown honeyeater
Brown honeyeater
Lewin's honeyeater
The last "tick" added to the day's list was Scarlet honeyeater, photographed as my lift arrived! 
From only 15 lists contributed to date I notice that the Eremaea species list for Ben Bennett is up to a respectable 68 species. The Eremaea page also provides an excellent description of the site and describes how secluded and relaxing the place feels.

Best we don't tell anyone!

Lowland rainforest section, Ben Bennett Bushland Reserve
Wet heath abuts Melaleuca woodland, Ben Bennett
Bird on!


  1. wow Pete! You got some fabulous photos in this series. Some of my favourites, the mistletoe bird, the fabulous Golden Whistler and Scarlet Honeyeater. What a fabulous spot to visit and pick up for your lens; well done

  2. Well done Pete,
    Great shots! I'll put this place on my to do list.
    Cheers, Ian

  3. Great post, great shots, Pete!!
    I've got Ben Bennett on my must see very soon list! We are overdue for a birding visit to Caloundra & surrounds. Thanks for the head's up on this spot!
