
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Birds of Port Fairy 2013

Don't get excited  - no pellagics here!

Birding endeavours during my recent trip to Port Fairy were seriously truncated by illness (temporary!) but here's a selection of shots from the weekend trip away for the folk festival.

Golden-headed cisticola

From the boardwalk at Pea Soup beach a wealth of gulls and terns beckoned further investigation but I really wasn't up to it!

This unbanded Hooded plover was protecting a fenced and signed nesting site at Pea Soup Beach, Port Fairy. 
Black-shouldered kite with freshly caught mouse .... Yum!
Down the hatch - whole!
Does my stomach look full?
We walked past a wetland at Russell Clark Reserve daily which afforded good views of Great egret, Chestnut teal and other ducks, Buff-banded rail, Hoary-headed grebe, Purple swamphen and Dusky moorhen. There was a small group of around a dozen Black-tailed native hen.

Bird on!

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