
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bunyip State Park - forest birds

I really enjoyed a visit to Bunyip State Park last Friday. In the picnic ground itself were good views of Dusky woodswallow and a nesting Olive-backed oriole near the amenities block. Exploring the marked trails heading north from Dyers Picnic Ground I found that:
  • the mapped but not signposted Russells Track would have been a useful walking pad running parallel to a creek but was impassable due to growth (lyrebird heard in this area)
  • Dyer Creek trail provided excellent birding with views of Scarlet honeyeater, Rufous fantail, Red-browed treecreeper, Eastern whipbird and a brief encounter with a male Lyrebird
  • there was very little evidence in this area of severe damage from the 2009 bushfires (Parks Victoria states 40% of the park was burnt).
  • the downloadable pdf file reads quite well on the iphone using the suggested Avenza pdf map reader app which positions you on the Parks Victoria map (useful on the unmarked trails)
Taken on 28 December this photo of a Rufous fantail would have to be one of my favourite pics for the year!
When I started seeing the tinciest of honeyeaters I wondered what I might see when a mature male showed up ...
Surprise! Scarlet honeyeater - a Victorian first for me!

Immature birds were a feature and I seemed to be seeing a lot of Red-browed finch without red brows.

I was thrilled when a subsequent sighting turned about to be Beautiful firetail:

Satin flycatcher (female)
An Olive-backed oriole was nesting in the dark green tree seen to the left of the amenities block.

Leaf litter, trail bike tracks and a Red-browed treecreeper
Dyer Creek Track is apparently used for trail bike riding (as is much of the Bunyip State Park). I heard distant motorbikes on 2-3 occasions but met no-one on my journey this day.

At right can be seen the large lizard that crossed Black Snake Creek Rd in front of the car.

I'll be back!

Bird on!


  1. Some awesome photographs, Pete. The Rufous is so good. Looks like a great place.

    1. Pete'S Flap Birding Aus: Bunyip State Park - Forest Birds >>>>> Download Now

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  2. Great images of some difficult-to-capture birds. Seems like a great spot!

  3. Nice one Pete. Bunyip is sure going nicely at the moment. You are certainly right about the Avenza map app - works well for this and other parks.

  4. wow the fantail is spectacular; I really love it; that would've been such a buzz to see. Also the Scarlet Honeyeater and the Satin Flycatcher. Then you top it off with the wonderful photograph of the goanna on the tree trunk. Black Snake Creek Rd sounds ominous! Looking like the best getaway location.

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