
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Birds of Sherbrooke Forest

These photos were taken in the evening of two consecutive warm days in Melbourne. The kick-off point was Grants Picnic Area (see Grants on Sherbrooke) which has become known as a destination for parrot feeding. There are barbecues, picnic tables,  a cafe, shop and the opportunity for photos of the family with rosellas perching on the head or any bodily appendage available.

Several trails leave from Grants. These photos were taken along the Lyrebird and Neumann Tracks. The Lyrebird track in particular provides good viewing of excellent lyrebird habitat (a male's explosive calling & mimicry was heard but none seen on this occasion).

On this day I enjoyed some good views of White-throated treecreper

Aren't those talons amazing!

Rufous fantail
The Eastern whipbird has an amazing call but its skulking behaviour amongst the bracken makes it hard to get a decent photograph. I'll keep trying!

Eastern whipbird (above & below)

Eastern yellow robin seeking directions

Eastern spinebill atop a treefern
Closer to Grants Picnic area one starts to come across birds that are accustomed to human contact such as this Crimson rosella.
Galahs look for scraps after "feeding time" is closed. 
Sulphur-crested cockatoo
Below are a couple of shots of what I take to be the official "feeding area" after closing. I didn't see it in full swing but there are feeding trays, information signs and parking for buses!

Echidna - seen on a few occasions

Bird on!

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