
Monday, December 3, 2012

Treasures of Windjana Gorge

We arrived at Windjana Gorge one late afternoon in August. These Black kite appeared as sentinels in the setting sun - probably just hanging and keeping an eye out for scraps ... or maybe ....  guarding something perhaps?!

 Not really, but the kids did enjoy pointing out these little treasures rustling in the scrub next morning!

Brown quail, Windjana Gorge, 14 August 2012 
The quail were seen adjacent to the camping area which is outside the actual gorge. We walked the gorge for about 2 hours (out and back) but it deserves much more time. I was torn to have to turn around as each bend in the gorge seemed to promise more interesting sights and varied habitat.

Little bronze-cuckoo amongst the trees lining the gorge. Lifer!
Below are Yellow-tinted honeyeater, a White-gaped honeyeater feeding and White-winged triller.

Brown falcon looking down on me
People may be aware that Windjana Gorge is probably best known for a different form of wildlife. This Black-fronted dotterel appears to be tip-toeing past such a beast!

These Freshwater crocodile are everywhere. They are harmless to humans unless disturbed.

We've covered birds and reptiles - bats represent the mammals today. Fishing is prohibited in the Gorge and barramundi can be seen swimming! 

Views within Windjana Gorge and one from the camping area "amenity" looking back at the cliff walls of the gorge entrance.

I would expect that spending a few days here would be very productive from the birding point of view! Here's the Eremaea list from our little visit. 

Bird on!

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