
Monday, November 19, 2012

More birds of El Questro

We spotted Pheasant coucal on a couple of occasions while at El Questro. This one was photographed at the El Questro Gorge carpark.

Wedge-tailed eagles are a pretty regular sighting and are often close to roads where they may feed on roadkill.

Things are not always what they seem when you're birding away from home. The White-throated honeyeater shown below is not unlike the White-naped honeyeater with which I am familiar in Victoria. I notice that that there is a distribution overlap on the central east coast of Australia - Quelle horreur!

Similarly, what at first glance looks most like a Pied butcherbird is in fact more closely related to Cracticus torquatus or what I know down south as Grey butcherbird! I gather some consider it a torquatus subspecies but I am happy for it to be classified as a stand alone species - Silver-backed butcherbird Cracticus argenteus (and add a tick to the life list)!

This Silver-crowned friarbird was among a pretty noisy group at Emma Gorge, El Questro.

Bird on!

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