
Friday, November 16, 2012

Birds & other Wyndham scenes

We spent a few hours in Wyndham principally to visit the Croc Farm. In the heat of the day the only striking birding experiences were of the omnipresent Brown falcons on poles and electricity wires, black & whistling kites scavenging and other birds that knew when it was feeding time for the crocodiles.

A wild flock of Helmeted guinea fowl caught my attention. It left the footy ground, crossed the highway and disappeared into the scrub.

Black kites frequenting the Wyndham crocs footy oval. This is looking south west with a few young boabs and the Kimberley's Cockburn range in the background.
This White-bellied sea eagle appeared at feeding time at the croc farm (didn't have the right camera I'm afraid - this from a compact Canon ISUS - just imagine wotif!)
Wyndham croc farm
Wyndham (above & below). Old township views.

View south from Wyndham's impressive Five Rivers Lookout

Bird on!

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