
Monday, June 4, 2012

Striated heron - lifer!

I have now returned from my fourth annual trip with the lads to Caloundra. These trips are 4 days of refined cultural activities but little birding. I have to sneak off. I recall examining the Eremeaea lists on the first trip and noticing that Striated heron featured reasonably prominantly. I remember keeping an eye out for it with no success.

I had forgotten all about them until walking along the busy Bulcock Beach boardwalk and noticing something clearly different from anything I had seen before.

Smaller than a night heron, I remember saying to my non-birder walking buddy "That's different, it's sort of a like a bittern or something" (much to his amusement I would think). Anyway after reviewing the field guide later on I remembered the old Striated heron!

Immature Striated heron (Butorides striata) Bulcock Beach, Caloundra, QLD

From a distance bittern-like but totally in the open

I quickly leapt off the boardwalk and on to the sand for some closer shots!

Skulking among the rock platform every now and then picking something off

These streaks on the immature form would certainly pass as striations.
A final pose. Clearly quite relaxed on the relatively populous foreshore. I left before it did.
This view from the Caloundra headland looking back towards the boardwalk with the spectacular Glasshouse Mountains as a backdrop.


  1. A nice find and some great shots. Congratulations.

  2. loving your striated heron; nice isn't it to pick up that something unexpected?!

  3. Great photos Pete, the lens is working a treat. Noticed those hills in the background of the last photo, looks like prime "research" material there. Any posts from happy snaps in the hills?

    1. Hey Rich, There are several happy snaps from Fun Times in the Hinterland but none that are able to be featured in this blog!
