Yellow-faced honeyeater was the season's prominent small honeyeater (noisy friarbird representing the larger group) ...
Also enjoyed views of spotted pardalote, treecreepers in their classic poses and rufous whistler. As well as the aforementioned gang-gangs and YTBs there were other parrot companions in king parrot, sulfur crested cockatoo and crimson rosella (not pictured).
Spotted pardalote |
Brown tree-creeper |
White-throated tree-crepper |
Rufous whistler |
Australian King-parrot |
Sulfur crested cockatoo |
The ubiquitous Superb fairy-wren (female) |
This Australian raven was feasting on something
curled up in a leaf. |
Willie wagtail |
Our lame, constant companion |
Practically all birding time was within walking distance of Swinging Bridge Reserve. A drive downstream to Burrinjuck Dam expanded the list (red-rumped parrot, white-bellied sea eagle, white plumed honeyeater, brown tree-creeper, white-faced heron, Australian hobby to name a few).
Surprisingly dipped on nankeen kestrel and white-winged chough (others in the family group saw both!)
The list after 6 days went something like this:
- Australian Wood Duck
- Pacific Black Duck
- Australasian Grebe
- Australasian Darter
- White-faced Heron
- White-bellied Sea-Eagle
- Wedge-tailed Eagle
- Australian Hobby
- Masked Lapwing
- Crested Pigeon
- Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
- Gang-gang Cockatoo
- Galah
- Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
- Crimson Rosella
- Eastern Rosella
- Red-rumped Parrot
- Australian King-Parrot
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Sacred Kingfisher
- Rainbow Bee-eater
- Satin Bowerbird
- White-throated Treecreeper
- Brown Treecreeper
- Superb Fairy-wren
- Eastern Spinebill
- Yellow-faced Honeyeater
- White-plumed Honeyeater
- New Holland Honeyeater
- Spotted Pardalote
- White-browed Scrubwren
- Yellow-rumped Thornbill
- Dusky Woodswallow
- Grey Butcherbird
- Australian Magpie
- Pied Currawong
- Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
- Rufous Whistler
- Grey Shrike-thrush
- Willie Wagtail
- Grey Fantail
- Magpie-lark
- Australian Raven
- Eastern Yellow Robin
- Welcome Swallow
- Common Blackbird
- Common Starling
- Mistletoebird
- European Goldfinch
- House Sparrow
- Red-browed Finch
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