Within 5 minutes and 20 metres of each other were a collection of peculiarly coloured birds at Port Fairy the other weekend. All three were birds I don't often see. Three times I found myself thinking how strangely these birds were "put together".
The always nervous Black-tailed Native hen is mostly drab but has an alarming yellow eye, green and red bill and striking red legs (and it gets it's name from a black tail!?).
Black-tailed native hen - no large groups here but 5-6 birds momentarily in bright sunlight. |
A single Pink-eared Duck refused to cooperate but its impressive shovelling bill can be made out on this photo as can it's zebra markings and pink "ear".
Australian Spotted crake was equally noncommittal but also has some garish colourings on bill and leg.
Australian Spotted Crake |
All birds were seen at Port Fairy's Russell Clark Reserve which was conveniently located between our digs and the Port Fairy Folk Festival. We walked past daily. The reserve is actually used as a temporary car park for the festival.
I sat for a while to view and photograph the crake which was on yonder island …. |
… the usual local gang of thugs was also present …. |
… and came to check me out (iPhone shots now) ….. |
….. which of course attracted the attention of the constabulary. So much for going under cover! |
To my left our rented house, my right the music festival, behind me the Southern Ocean, in front of me a wetland!
Alas only one long weekend! |
"Reverse charge call". The first time I've seen a Hoodie's nesting area roped off on the "dune" side preventing access to the shore line. The scrape was apparently on a short peninsula. The dune is behind me! We watched the hoodie for a while (sans camera, we were actually at the beach swimming!) and were thrilled to count five Ruddy Turnstones as well. |
Returned the next day but found none of the above but a White-faced heron ... |
…. and some other locals. Always impressed at that bill! Long-billed corella. |
Between Acts, Stage 1, Sunday Evening, Port Fairy Folk Festival |
Decidedly birding theme to this year's festival featuring local gull, "mutton birds" (Short-tailed shearwaters), Hooded Plover and Pied Oystercatcher. Wins my vote! I wonder home many of the 12,000 patrons were as impressed as me! |
Bird (& folk) on!